Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy) - MARHI has a 250-year history and is the leading architectural school in Russia.
The founder of the university is the Russian Federation, the functions and powers of the founder of the university are carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
For decades, MARHI has been training highly qualified specialists for architectural schools in Russia and the CIS countries. MARHI has connections with many architectural and art universities abroad.
Since 1994 MARHI is accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects.
Currently, about 1,700 students and graduate students study at MARHI. Among them are residents of Russia, the CIS countries, Europe, Asia, North and South America.
The institute has various types of advanced training. The Institute prepares graduate students who, after writing and successfully defending their dissertations at a special Academic Council, receive the degree of candidate of architecture (equivalent to the degree of "Doctor of Philosophy" in the West).
The institute employs about 400 full-time teachers, of which 138 are professors and associate professors: 66% of teachers have academic degrees of doctors and candidates of sciences.
School. Badanova V.
Main             4  7          . .            . .          . .
School. Voevodina P.
Main              4  7          .  .              .  .           .  .
School. Maslennikova P.
Main                 4  7          . .            . .          . .
School. Savelieva A.
Main            . . 4 7         small
School. Tsvetaeva E.
Main           .       small
School. Vladimirskaya A.
Underground Museum of Modern Arts on Baymanskaya str. Antochin D.
Museum of Modern Arts. Bukhantsov N.
Main             1400    2200
School. Buckantsov N.
Origami Museum. Lobanok E.
Main               model small
Museum of Flight. Feigelman O.
Main fly model